Rawshan Zamil Actor Movies (2025)

1. Rawshan Zamil - The Movie Database

  • Known For ; A River Called Titas ; The Ominous House ; A Tree Without Roots ; Srabon Megher Din ; Jibon Theke Neya.

  • Rawshan Zamil was born on May 8, 1931 in Dacca, Bengal Presidency, British India [now in Dhaka, Bangladesh]. She was an actress, known for Chitra Nodir Pare (1999), Nayanmoni (1976) and Surja Dighal Bari (1979). She was married to Gawhar Zamil. She died on May 14, 2002 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

2. Rawshan Zamil - The Movie Database

  • A River Called Titas · The Ominous House · A Tree Without Roots · Srabon Megher Din · Jibon Theke Neya · Chitra Nodir Pare · The Endless Trail · Beder Meye Josna ...

  • Rawshan Zamil was born on May 8, 1931 in Dacca, Bengal Presidency, British India [now in Dhaka, Bangladesh]. She was an actress, known for Chitra Nodir Pare (1999), Nayanmoni (1976) and Surja Dighal Bari (1979). She was married to Gawhar Zamil. She died on May 14, 2002 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

3. Rawshan Zamil on Moviebuff.com

4. Rawshan Zamil | Moviefone

  • She was an actress, known for Chitra Nodir Pare (1999), Nayanmoni (1976) and Surja Dighal Bari (1979). She was married to Gawhar Zamil. She died on May 14, 2002 ...

  • Rawshan Zamil was born on May 8, 1931 in Dacca, Bengal Presidency, British India [now in Dhaka, Bangladesh]. She was an actress, known for Chitra Nodir...

5. Rawshan Zamil movies and filmography - Cinestaan.com

  • Welcome to the complete filmography of Rawshan Zamil on Cinestaan.com. Here you will find the full list of movies on which Rawshan Zamil has worked, in reverse ...

  • Read Rawshan Zamil biography, movies worked in, roles and characters played in movies. Get birth date, real name and birth place - Cinestaan.com

6. Rawshan Zamil movies, filmography, biography and songs - Cinestaan

  • Rawshan Zamil is known for Beder Meye Jotsna(1991) ,Titash Ekti Nadir Naam(1973) and Taka-Ana-Pai(1970).

  • Get movies, songs, photos, biography, filmography and latest news for Rawshan Zamil. Watch videos of Rawshan Zamil, browse photos of Rawshan Zamil - Cinestaan.com

7. Rawshan Jamil - Wikidata

  • 28 okt 2024 · Rawshan Jamil. Bangladeshi actress (1931-2002). Rawshan Zamil. In more languages. Spanish. Rawshan Jamil. actriz bangladesí. Traditional Chinese.

  • Bangladeshi actress (1931-2002)

8. Rawshan Zamil - About - Entertainment.ie

  • Rawshan Zamil bio. Find out all of the tv shows, movies that Rawshan Zamil ... Actor. A River Called Titas. +. Entertainment.ie.

  • Rawshan Zamil bio. Find out all of the tv shows, movies that Rawshan Zamil was involved with, interviews, photos and up to date news.

9. Bengali Actress Rawshan Zamil Biography, News, Photos, Videos

  • Rawshan Zamil was a Bengali actress and dancer. She won the Ekushey Padak in the Dance category in 1995, and for her role in her film 'Noyonmoni' (1976), ...

  • Rawshan Zamil was a Bengali actress and dancer. She won the Ekushey Padak in the Dance category in 1995, and for her role in her film 'Noyonmon..

10. Rawshan Zamil movies and shows, where to watch online and ...

  • Rawshan Zamil. Actor. Born: Dhaka, Bangladesh. Playlist. Bongo TV. Jibon Dhara. FILMOGRAPHY. Actor. Devdas · Jibon Dhara. Download our app.

  • Stream movies of Rawshan Zamil full movie in HD. Find where to watch movies of Rawshan Zamil streaming online.

Rawshan Zamil Actor Movies (2025)
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